





Mr. ・・・

Subject : Mr. Leonid Kreuzer

Dear ・・・

First of all I would like to thank you for your letter.
I shall tell you about Mr. Kreuzer as much as my memory permits.
Around the time when the first World War broke out, my mother was studying piano under Mr. Kreuzer in Berlin. My father was a Swedish-Russian and was studying architecture as Bauhaus in Weimar, and also worked for a moviecompany designing posters.

When the war started Mr. Kreutzer's Japanese pupils became quite concerned regarding his safety and recommended his going to Tokyo and assisted him.
Mr. Kreuzer then began teaching piano in Tokyo.
My father was not persecuted by the Nazis and he later came to Tokyo
with my mother. The number of foreigners in Japan were few at the time and my father and Mr. Kreuzer became friends as they both spoke German.
My father was away from home most of the time and finally left.

My mother often took me to Mr. Kreutzer's recitals when I was a small child.
I still remember the beautiful melody of Listz's "Campanella" played by him.
Kreuzer family believed that Germany and Japan would both lose the war and I later realized how accurate his prediction was.
When I was about ten years old, I was taken by my mother to visit
Mr. Kreuzer. As we walked in,I noticed a delicious smell of something being
cooked which had a hint of parsley in it.
It was very different from Japanese cooking. There was an oil painting of a white lily on the wall of the dining room done by my father.
Mr. Kreuzer looked at me, smiled warmly, and offered me tea and cake.
That was the day of my first piano lesson with him.
At first, Mr. Kreuzer told my mother that he was not stupid as to teach piano to youngsters and had been refusing to give me lessons.
I played Bach and Chopin's Waltz.
He was astonished and overjoyed when he heard me play and said there weren't many who could play as she does.
I shall teach her and you need not pay for the lessons I give her.
I do not remember this day particularly.
I believe he was a man with a very big heart and there was something very genuine about him. I knew he was disliked by the Japanese music circle and there were always rumors going around about his affairs with married women.
My father finally left us and went away with another woman.
Mr. Kreuzer would play the piano with a big, fat cigar in his mouth and played Debussy, Beethoven, Chopin, Moscowski, Rafmaninoff, Schumann, etc.
and had a smile on his face all the while. He must have felt wonderful when playing. His music had great influence on me at the time, as it does now.
I played Chopin's "Black Key" that day and when he heard me play he became so excited he started jumping and down and shouted
"This child will one day charm the world with her powerful and brilliant music. I remember this very clearly.
When the war ended, Mr. Kreuter was imprisoned and beaten.
A month or two later, he went to live with a Swedish friend in Chigasaki,
a small seaside town not far from Tokyo, and married one of his young pupils.
Mr. Kreuzer visited me from time to time and gave me lessons.
For my first recital, he send me music scores with his notes on it.
He passed away soon after wards.
I hope this letter will be of some assistance to you.

Yours Sincerely,
Fujiko Hemming


